Help us learn how to serve you best.
BMS is in the midst of a four-year equity self-audit, using a tool published by the American Montessori Society called Equity Examined.
There have been several components to this process so far. First, we contracted with the Crossroads Organization for staff and board professional development. This was a process that included two years of self-reflective and professional learning for participants and included activities such as completing classroom inventories through an equity lens and completing a MACR rubric for disability inclusion practices. It also included the development of an ABAR (Anti-bias, Anti-racism) Leadership Committee to help hold the organization accountable throughout this multi-year process and beyond. This committee includes a board member, the head of school, assistant head of school, a teacher from each age level, and three parents. Crossroads advised this committee before phasing out as our professional development provider.
The next phase of the equity audit is a DEI survey of our community to learn more about our strengths and weaknesses, especially interested in any blind spots we might have. Dr. Rashad Nelms came last year and gave us advice on the project that included moving from a survey format to an interview format for the data collection phase.
The ABAR Committee, which includes knowledgeable resources such as parent Dr. Jen Silva, worked to develop interview questions that hopefully will provide space for a wide variety of parent perspectives and types of input. To ensure unbiased interviewing practices, we have hired two IU students to conduct the interviews with parents.
Here’s where we need your support! We would like to get a large sample of voices. Would you be willing to be interviewed? These would be on campus, or moved to Zoom if you prefer. Your email would be given to the interviewer and they would contact you directly to arrange a time. We are hoping they will be able to conduct at least 40 interviews between now and spring break. If you would be willing to complete an interview (estimated around 30 minutes, but variable), please sign up using this link.
BMS’s values include working hard and working together as a welcoming community and equality in all the ways in which humans are diverse. We know there are areas we need to improve, some of which can be resolved quickly (such as analyzing the books in our library and filling any gaps) and others that are long-term goals (such as a robust scholarship program that allows our families to more accurately represent the socio-economic diversity of our larger community or building the diversity of our staff). However, we also know that there are many perspectives represented at BMS, each valid and valued, and that we “don’t know what we don’t know”. This process provides an opportunity for families to educate us on areas for improvement of which we may not be aware. Please consider volunteering for an interview!
If you do not feel comfortable being interviewed but feel you have a valuable perspective that can help us grow, please remember that we send an anonymous parent survey out each year. This is also a format in which we hope you will share your experiences and views. We value each member of this community and want BMS to serve everyone well to the best of our ability.