
In our effort to offer the highest quality Montessori educational experience, Bloomington Montessori has adopted the following Learner Outcomes (as outlined by the American Montessori Society [Standard 4.2]). These Learner Outcomes serve as a framework for all of our programs with which to discuss our vision for and efforts toward the holistic development of the children we serve.

It is important for our stakeholders to be aware of these Learner Outcomes for many reasons, including:

  • To better understand the mission of Bloomington Montessori School and the role it serves in our community
  • To prepare families for BMS’s expectation of support by families in the development of these skills and values
  • To better understand the context within which teachers will be discussing a child’s progress through our curriculum

These six learner outcomes are complex topics, each involving multiple stages of growth and learning. Our goal, through our spiraling curriculum, is to develop these skills to an age-appropriate level throughout a child’s nine-year experience here. We partner with parents to monitor progress in these areas using holistic benchmarks and regular communication. Graduates of Bloomington Montessori build the tools necessary to continue this developmental journey long after graduation.

Autonomy and Independence
The word “autonomy” finds its roots in the concept of “self-governing”. In a Montessori context, this includes the ability to maintain control over one’s actions, feel confident making independent choices, and have a strong sense of self.

Confidence and Competence
The self-assurance that comes from recognizing and having faith in one’s own abilities and talents is one of the most empowering tools we can offer children. Through a greater sense of ownership of their own achievements, children become energized by their own capability.

Academic Preparation
As in most schools, we have a strong belief in children’s need to be prepared with knowledge and skills that will enable them to navigate education and life successfully. This includes a well-rounded curriculum of language, mathematics, biology, physical science, geography, and history. Additionally, we focus on process-centered goals such as the development of critical thinking skills, problem-solving, work habits, and creativity. (See Scope and Sequence for detailed information.)

Intrinsic Motivation
To find the work of life internally satisfying creates a drive that propels children toward productivity and success in all areas as they grow. By avoiding extrinsic motivations (such as rewards and punishments), we leave space for this vital inner development of the child.

Social Responsibility
The idea that we each should strive to benefit society and care for ourselves, each other, and the Earth instills children with a sense of stewardship. Our Cosmic Curriculum explores the interconnection of all living things, encouraging the development of environmentally aware global citizens.

Spiritual Awareness
Spiritual awareness is a process by which we explore our own being and thoughts. We help children develop a sense of mindfulness, purpose, and possibility. This includes development of growth mindset and comfort with self-reflection.


Early Childhood Lower Elementary Upper Elementary