Counselor Sky Adams 2024-2025 BMS Partner

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Introducing Sky Adams

We are excited to announce that thanks to Title IV Grant Funding we are able to renew our partnership with local family counselor Sky Adams. Sky has experience with families and young children and taught preschool for twelve years. He will be an additional service provider in our Student Services Support System. To learn more about Sky, visit his website. Sky also worked with our Early Childhood last year. This year, his work will also include elementary students who need Tier 2 and 3 social-emotional support.

Multi-tiered Support

If you are not already familiar with our Student Services, we offer a multi-tiered system of support to help meet students’ academic and social-emotional needs. We have updated our Student Services Guide to include providing social-emotional resources when available (funding-dependent), and the new version will be updated on the website soon on the “Resources” tab.

Sky’s Support

Tier 1

Tier one supports are integrated into the classroom, benefit the majority of children, and can be designed to meet the specific needs of an individual or group for which teachers would like professional advice. This includes classroom observations and teacher consultation with Sky. Sky will also be offering a parent forum open to all families this year (if you have a burning topic you’d like to suggest, let us know!).

Tier 2

Tier 2 Supports are when classroom teacher supports are not enough to be an effective solution, and teachers/students/families need extra supports. For Sky, Tier 2 supports include observations of individual students and targeted consult and progress monitoring with teachers.

Tier 3

Tier three students are children for whom Tier 2 strategies have not been effective. Often this process looks more like “action research” as a team with school and family partners, systematically testing interventions until effective supports are found and continuously communicating about progress. For Tier 3 students, Sky can provide student observations and targeted teacher support/consultation as well as some limited direct services with families and students (limited by grant funding). These services would not be enough to provide a robust mental health plan for a student, but are instead intended to provide opportunities for Sky to talk to students and families directly and ask questions that might provide insight for his work with teachers. We must have written permission from families before Sky can provide any direct service to a student. He will be acting as an independent contractor.


Any feedback, questions, or concerns about this new offering? Please know your child will never work directly with Sky without your knowledge. Teachers spend the most time with students here at school, and our primary goal is to support teacher knowledge, practice, and reflection so that every day is as optimal experience as possible for students. This is part of best practices in a Montessori setting for building expert teams to support students. For more information about Montessori inclusion and partnerships with medical professionals, you could visit the Montessori Medical Partnership for Inclusion website.

We look forward to partnering with Sky as one more resource to support the precious humans we serve at Bloomington Montessori.

Jessica Davis

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