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Welcome to Our School!

Bloomington Montessori School has offered Montessori preschool and Montessori elementary for children ages 3-12 (preschool through sixth grade) in Bloomington, Indiana since 1968. We are fully accredited by the American Montessori Society and are Validated by the United Montessori Schools of Indiana. Each classroom is supported by a team of teachers led by a credentialed Montessori Lead.

Multi-age classrooms encourage shared learning, independent growth and mutual respect. Our teachers guide students through a high-fidelity, multi-sensory Montessori curriculum in child-centered learning environments where children grow and thrive. Children engage their interests and explore the full range of subjects through activities and lessons appropriate to their ages and abilities, working at their own paces and acquiring fundamental skills to become articulate, confident learners.

Visit our resource library for detailed information regarding Bloomington Montessori and Montessori pedagogy.

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What's News at Bloomington Montessori?

Street decorated with red banners and lanterns for lunar new year

Lunar New Year Celebrations

by a BMS Elementary family The Lunar New Year marks the beginning of the new year based on the Lunar Calendar and is celebrated around the world. While the exact date varies each year, it typically falls in January or February. Each year of the Lunar Calendar is associated with one of the 12 Chinese […]
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Annual 40 Days of Peace Celebration 2025

Started by the City of Bloomington, the 40 Days of Peace kicks off on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and continues for forty days, each day inspired by a meaningful peace-related quote and a random act of kindness challenge.  Bloomington Montessori joins this event by discussing the quotes with children in the classroom as well […]
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person sitting at table with clipboard, interviewing someone else at the table

DEI Interview Volunteers Needed!

Help us learn how to serve you best. BMS is in the midst of a four-year equity self-audit, using a tool published by the American Montessori Society called Equity Examined.  There have been several components to this process so far. First, we contracted with the Crossroads Organization for staff and board professional development. This was […]
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